Sentencing Commission case summaries
Multiple search index of cases and statutes
U.S. Codes and Code of Federal Regulations
Research individual Federal Courts
New Is your case ripe for review ?... check out the New blog on Circuit Splits
Criminal Model Jury Instructions (8th Cir)
Model Jury Instructions (7th Cir)
First Circuit Jury Instructions
All Federal District & Appeals Courts
Court Rules, Forms and Dockets
New .....Standards of Review for Federal Appellate Cases (from 9th Cir.)
Capital Defense Network's awesome resources
Peter Nordberg's DAUBERT on the Web
Broad list of "Web Cites for Federal Defenders" (Paul Rashkind)
U.S. Sentencing Commission & Guidelines
New.. Sentencing Commission resource papers
DOJ Criminal Justice Reference Links
Jeff Flax's numerous law links
Kim Kruglick's great criminal law links
Crime Linx.. "best of the web" links
NYS Defenders Great eyewitness ID (or MisID) links
Habeas Issues-- Capital Defense Weekly
Drug Info...Substance Abuse (caveat.... government site).
Stop the Drug Dogs..(Thank you Rex Curry)
Jurist...Law professors' site with law reviews
Crimes & Clues....great forensic links
The Protect Act.. What Now? U.S.S.G. sec. 3E1.1 is unconstitutional (pdf).
Suppression Motion...Auto... Federal
Mass. Discovery Rules, Cases and Motions
Tape Recordings...AUDIOLEX
Trial consultants... Trial Tech (jury, demonstrative evidence)
Other research sites:
For other research links check out The LawEngine, Rominger's, LexisOne ,
or law librarians own LLRX.COM for a complete guide to legal and governmental resources and news, as well as LegalRources & other Legal Links. You can also pour through numerous legal resources at the Library of Congress.